Enterprise Mobile Application

Mobile application development companies are hired by big brands as well as SMBs to either develop an application to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers or to develop apps catering for internal processes. Also, to keep abreast of the latest technology advancements, businesses are gradually moving towards the app development world. Today, lots of small, local vendors have become tech-savvy by owning a personal application for his business.

Ecommerce App Development Guide [2024]

Any growing ecommerce business, whether a mid-sized Shopify store or a large retailer, needs an app to connect...

Outsourcing Mobile App Development to India. Yay or Nay?

In the realm of business, specific processes are often delegated to external service providers for various...

Application Development for Agriculture: Process, Steps,...

Thinking about building software for your agricultural business? Or looking to learn about the benefits of...

Healthcare Mobile App Development: Guide & Examples [2023]

Healthcare mobile app development— Is it a good business idea?  Let me share an interesting number with...

Custom App Development Cost [Update 2023]

How much does it cost to create an app? Let’s get to the chase— The cost to develop an app could be anywhere...

10 Best Car Rental Apps for iOS and Android [2023]

Road trips. Commutes. Weekend getaways. With prices for ride-hailing services skyrocketing and public transport...

Build a Dating App Like Tinder Reasonably: Price, Features,...

If you’re here, you definitely decided to create a dating app and look for opportunities to launch a unicorn...

IT Outsourcing in Poland vs Ukraine – Ins and Outs

The possibility of reaching out to highly skilled software developers while saving some production costs is the...

How are Retailers Doing This Holiday Season: General Overview

When are you going to buy Halloween and Christmas gifts this year? Fun fact: some people start doing it in…July!...

Industrial Digitalization: Definition, Benefits, Uses

The digitalization of industrial organizations has long been lagging behind retailers and B2B companies. But the...

App Development for Restaurant [A to Z guide]

Looking not so far back to the lockdown times, many restaurants wouldn’t have survived if they didn’t extend...

Essential IT Outsourcing Statistics: Latest Trends Showcased

In the early third millennium, the specification drive coupled with the globalization of services has made...

Native App Development: Everything You Need to Know

All apps are the same, right? Not really. In the realm of mobile apps, you can often hear terms like a native app,...

The Basics of Test Driven Web Development with Python

Software development is a challenging task whose validity is proved only by the totally functional digital product...

United Miners – A Good Way to Support the Armed Forces...

In the current wartime situation in Ukraine, there is a major issue – not all people that wish to contribute...

Enterprise Mobile App Development: A Simple Guide

Nowadays, nearly 80% (eighty percent) of the world’s population uses a smartphone or other type of mobile...

The Ukrainian IT Industry during the War: The Dominating Trends

Ours is the time of major upheavals. The unprovoked and ruthless war that Russia supported by Belarus is waging...

How the War Changes Eastern Europe’s Outsourcing Market

We already know for a fact that the much unfortunate war that russia is currently waging on Ukraine has a major...

Developing Mobile Apps for Educational Purposes

Education and the need to timely acquire it is something we continuously complain about but can’t live without....

Top 20 Entertainment Apps for Android and iOS [2022 Update]

Entertainment apps that can keep you busy for hours. If that’s what you’re interested in… Scroll down to...

Five Smart Uses of IoT Apps in Manufacturing

Since its very first integration into various business processes, the Internet of Things has been known for its...

Top 15 BEST Task Management Software Tools

Regardless of your company’s size or the number of staff members, you can keep your employees’ performance in...

All About an ETL Developer – Responsibilities, Goals...

Analyst and mathematician Clive Humby said, “Data is the new oil.” All companies today are fighting to...

Software Testing: 5 Reasons to Get the Best Benefits for Your...

Into Have you ever wondered what journey the app makes before you install it to your phone? How do the developers...

Things to Know About Proper Software Testing

Introduction How many apps do you have installed on your smartphone or PC? Social media, weather trays,...

6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your IT Budget

Any business that has something to do with developing software is inevitably going to be successful and profitable...

How to Protect Paid Content

Who will benefit from the article The article will be useful for developers who want to protect website content...

Best Navigation Apps & How to Develop Your Own

Intro How often does it happen to you that you simply cannot find your way around roaming about some unfamiliar...

Top 10 Best Video Editing Programs

Introduction Video is one of the most descriptive and expressive ways to present information. With the rise of...

Future of Commerce with the Development of Mobile Commerce...

Introduction According to BrizFeel report, almost every second buyer today uses their smartphone to purchase...

Indian IT Outsourcing Market: Recent Updates

Intro The first step towards outsourcing software development is finding the perfect location, which requires a...

Real-Time Features Your App Needs Right Now

Intro Industries continue to discover their growing need for real-time computing, mostly because of its high value...

On-Demand Delivery App Development Explained

Intro On-demand delivery with Uber being a pioneer of it has changed the game: now applications inspired by the...

QR Code Mobile App Development: Hit or Miss?

Intro Ever since QR code technology was introduced to the public, it quickly turned into a powerful tool for...

Grocery Shopping App Development

Intro The times when grocery shopping involved maneuvering heavy trolleys in crowded places are long gone,...

Popular Types of Mobile Apps and Criteria Used to Categorize Them

Introduction Turning a personal computer into a handheld device has been one of the most genius achievements of...

Push Notifications Mechanism for iOS & Android

Intro Push notification is basically an ability of a device to receive information pushed from a server. Although...

Android vs iOS Development: 8 Things to Consider Before...

Introduction Mobile app development is one of the most discussed topics in the modern IT arena. Startupers dream...

Building a Renting Car App

Introduction The mobile app market is full of great apps for different purposes. Using your smartphone, you can...

Tips and Tricks on Developing Best-Selling Reading App

Introduction Sometimes businesses come to the point of no return and of searching for new powerful sales channels....

How to Create an App Like Yelp?

Introduction Yelp is an application that allows discovering points of interest in unfamiliar areas in mere...

Dominant Technology Trends to Watch in 2019

Intro 2018 is making it into the history books as a year of the rise of AI-driven things and unseen before...

Dos & Don’ts of Custom App Development for Startups

Intro All the startupers have one major thing in common — they do what they do to make this world a better place...

Top Design Software Tools

Introduction We are living in an era of digital design, where web presence has become obligatory and almost every...

The Basics of Voice Assistants Explained

Introduction The rapid evolution of AI and machine learning made possible the development of voice recognition...

Software Development Outsourcing Markets in Belarus

Introduction A large number of companies eagerly employing IT outsourcing services isn’t a novelty in the...

How To Create Live Streaming App Like Meerkat, Periscope and...

Live streaming has been progressing at a quick pace after YouTube launched its streaming platform in September...

How Much Does It Cost to Build Music Streaming App Like Spotify

Life is somewhat like a movie. Don’t all of us have music playing in the background when something special...

Outsourcing Romania vs Ukraine. Which Country Suits Your Needs?

Introduction Eastern Europe has become one of the top markets to outsource app development services. Ukrainian,...

Everything You Need to Know About Business Management Software...

Introduction Cloud computing, AI-powered automation tools, machine learning, data-driven solutions, and other...

Why Your Hospitality Business Needs a Mobile App?

Intro It’s amazing how the appearance of the smartphone has changed the way people run and interact with...

Cost of Building a Hotel Booking App

Technologies have already drastically changed the life of an average traveler. The typical user has switched from...

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Uber?

Uber has sparked a revolution on the taxi services market. Their mobile app challenged the traditional taxi...