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App-solutely Amazing: 40+ Killer App Ideas for Startups [2023...

Coming up with app ideas is not easy… But a mobile app is such a great way to make money… That’s why...

Effective Retrospective Meeting: Theory & Practice

“If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.”   Confucius Today...

Communication Strategy for Project Management: How PMs should...

With the gradual development of the Internet, the concept of distance has faded, and chatting with a person from...

In-house vs Outsourcing. How to develop an app in 2023?

In-house app development or outsourced app development is the not-so-easy question for tech startup founders and...

Whether Tech Background is Required for a Project Manager?

In today’s world, software development processes evolve every day, and project teams’ evolution accompanied...

Software Development Outsourcing. What is IT Outsourcing?

Sooner or later, all entrepreneurs come to the conclusion that much like in 2022, substantial business growth...

How are Retailers Doing This Holiday Season: General Overview

When are you going to buy Halloween and Christmas gifts this year? Fun fact: some people start doing it in…July!...

10 Best Countries to Outsource Software Development

The information technology market shows an increased demand for software products, mobile and cloud applications....

Offshore Software Development [Full Guide]

In 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote that “software is eating the world” to convey his prediction concerning...