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30+ Weird Websites to Confuse & Entertain You [2024 Edition]

Looking for unusual, crazy, or plain weird websites to check out when you’re bored?

If yes, then we have an unbelievable list for you.

Bizarre websites of all sorts, from compilations of fake faces to never-ending screensavers, You’ll find websites to kill time, cure boredom, or simply get shocked by how truly odd websites can be.

Without further ado, we present our collection of the weirdest websites. 


The World’s Weirdest Websites

  1. Passive Aggressive Password Machine
  2. Find the Invisible Cow
  3. Stuff On My Cat
  5. Eel Slap
  6. ZoomQuilt
  7. Long Doge Challenge
  8. Is It Christmas Today?
  9. V1 Windows 93
  10. Wow’en Wilson Quiz
  11. Tessellation Kit
  12. Cats That Look Like Hitler
  13. Paper Toilet
  14. How Much Toilet Paper
  15. Pointer Pointer
  16. Patience is a Virtue
  17. Generative Engine
  18. This Person Does Not Exist
  19. Infinite Drum Machine
  20. The Useless Web
  21. Cat Bounce
  22. The Finger, Deal With It
  23. Stealth Boats
  24. Cross Divisions
  25. Don’t Even Reply
  26. Every Day I’m Hustlin’
  27. GifCities
  28. Window Swap
  29. Scream into the Void
  30. Quick, Draw!
  31. Procatinator
  32. Trash Loop

1. The Passive Aggressive Password Machine

The Passive Aggressive Password Machine
Author’s screenshot

“Honest like a lawyer, or like your cold-hearted X.” 

That’s how the creators of this weird website describe this project. Using the PaP Machine is like having a passive aggressive person comment on every password you come up with. The website generates a bunch of comments to “motivate” you to make better passwords.

Interesting fact:

The PaP Machine actually stops insulting your choices at one point. But you’ll have to figure out for yourself how many characters that’ll take you.

2. Find the Invisible Cow

Find the Invisible Cow
Author’s screenshot

Find the Invisible Cow is a weird website to visit when bored. It’s basically a game where you have to locate a cow on a white screen. Your only clue is a shout “Cow!” that gets louder when you’re getting close to the animal. Try the game in your office and kiss your productivity goodbye for the day.

Interesting fact

Although Find the Invisible Cow started as a simple game in 2013, it’s gotten so popular that now there’s an Android version and third-party VR versions.

Are you an entrepreneur considering starting a business? Also check out our collection of 21 App Ideas for Startups. You’ll find plenty of great choices, from parking finders to toy exchange apps.

3. Stuff On My Cat

Stuff On My Cat
Author’s screenshot

Cats can be surprisingly tolerant of their owners putting things on them sometimes. This funny and weird website is dedicated to sharing photos of cats with all sorts of things on them (hats, game controllers, coffee mugs, and even boots.) So if you’re bored and want a funny website to kill some time, Stuff On My Cat should give you a lot of smiles.

Interesting fact:

Stuff On My Cat has a Facebook page with almost 23,000 likes. It hasn’t been active lately, but the existing collection of cat photos is worth checking out.

Author’s screenshot

Have you ever been lost in someone’s eyes? Well, this time, you might be lost in a beautiful corn dog animation. If you’re looking for random weird websites, is a great one to check out. There’s only one thing happening: a slow corn dog rain, and it’s beautiful to watch.

Interesting fact:

You can download live wallpaper for Android and have flying corndogs on your smartphone 24/7.

5. Eel Slap

Eel Slap
Author’s screenshot

Are you having a rough day? If yes… How about slapping someone with a fish? If you think that’ll help your mood, check out this bizarre website. The trick is to move your pointer to the left to slap a man in the face with an eel. And the best news: you can do that for as long as you need.

Interesting fact:

Fox News named Eel Slap one of “the weirdest websites on the internet.” We totally agree with this assessment. And when we thought that things couldn’t get weirder, this crazy site has even won two awards, from the Webby Awards and The Lovie Awards.

6. ZoomQuilt

Author’s screenshot

This is the king of weird psychedelic websites. Basically, it’s a never-ending screensaver that surprises with weird shapes, objects, and scary creatures. If you happen to catch an inspirational painting, use the down key to get back and get another view. Be careful with this odd website: sometimes it’s hard to look away from that animation.

Interesting fact:

The popularity of this weird website has contributed to the creation of the second project, ZoomQuilt 2, and animated Android wallpaper (that has over a million downloads!)

7. Long Doge Challenge

Long Doge Challenge

Author’s screenshot

Looking for funny useless websites to play with coworkers? Then try the long doge challenge. The rule is simple: whoever scrolls down and collects the most wows, wins. There are different kinds of wows, and you can unlock them by hitting certain length milestones. Try it once and you’ll realize this weird website is designed to destroy your work productivity.

Interesting fact:

The Lone Doge Challenge is a continuation of the popular meme. Many people have spent a lot of time playing it—this video shows someone scrolling down for almost 40 minutes and collecting 10,000 wows.

8. Is It Christmas Today?

Is It Christmas Today?
Author’s screenshot

This weird website has only one purpose: to tell you if it’s Christmas or not. It’s a part of a series of Christmas-related websites where children and adults can find information about the holiday, including Christmas karaoke songs. So if you’re ever wondering if today Christmas is celebrated somewhere, this could be your go-to website.

Interesting fact:

Is It Christmas Today? was created by James Copper, a freelance designer. He did it for elementary school teachers who came to him asking why there’s no child-friendly Christmas website that “wasn’t trying to sell the kids something.”

Author’s screenshot

9. V1 Windows 93

V1 Windows 93
Author’s screenshot

Have you ever used Windows systems of the 1990s? If not, then you’ve got your chance. This weird website puts Windows 93 into your browser. It’s a funny and quirky thing to try, and the experience is pretty close to the authentic one. The icons are different, though: Internet Explorer, for example, is substituted by Cat Explorer.

Interesting facts:

Fact #1: The Find feature in the Start menu can be “used” to locate the user’s real father. Here’s the message offered by the “system” if you click on this feature.

Author’s screenshot

Fact #2: Windows 93 has nothing to do with Microsoft. It’s an operating system designed by hackers, so it’s packed with a bunch of weird icons and features (like a virus icon on the desktop that pretends to be a dolphin). But no worries, there are no real viruses on this wacky website.

10. Wow’en Wilson Quiz

Wow’en Wilson Quiz
Author’s screenshot

Owen Wilson’s use of “wow” in his movies is legendary, and the fans have created this weird interactive website to test people’s knowledge. The rules are simple: hear the actor say “wow” and guess in which movie he said it. You’ll get four options to choose from, so playing is really easy.

Interesting facts:

Fact #1: People’s love for his unique intonation even led to the “Say Wow Like Owen Wilson” event at Federation Square in Melbourne. Hundreds of fans showed up, and social media videos showed it was a fun one to participate in.

Fact #2: As of June 2020, Owen Wilson has said “wow” 81 times in 27 movies. Some fans even calculated that he made around $135,072 for saying this specific word during his career. We have no idea how they did it, though.

11. Tessellation Kit

Author’s screenshot

A really odd website that lets you produce all kinds of shapes by drawing tessellations and pushing them into each other. Just click anywhere on the screen and move the pointer around to change the shape of the entire thing. Be careful, though: your eyes might be bleeding after playing with this weird and addictive website. 

Interesting fact:

Tessellation kit has several useful hotkeys for your convenience. They were added by the creators in case you’d like to get serious about producing specific tile patterns with this weird website. Here they are.

12. Cats That Look Like Hitler

Author’s screenshot

The name of this weird and fun website says it all: it’s a collection of photos of cats that look like Hitler. The community calls them Kitlers, which means that those felines have “a secret longing for world domination.” You can browse the funny pics of Kitlers, engage with fellow cat owners, and even submit a photo of your own example of the “Kitlerian species.”

Interesting fact:

Cats That Look Like Hitler has a collection of both positive and negative reviews from internet users. The owner of this weird website decided to share the love and hate he received that you can also see here: We Love Kitlers and We Hate Kitlers.

13. Paper Toilet

Paper Toilet
Author’s screenshot

The average person in the U.S. uses about 100 rolls of toilet paper every year. This weird website lets you use a roll for rather therapeutic purposes. Unroll the roll by simply dragging it, and the task can serve as a nice distraction (especially from work).

Interesting fact:

There’s no way to get a new pack of paper when you unroll it completely. Just hit reload in your browser to have some more fun.

14. How Much Toilet Paper

How Much Toilet Paper
Author’s screenshot

Another toilet paper-related weird website. This time, it’s got a specific purpose: tell you how many days you will last based on the number of toilet paper rolls you have. Just specify how many rolls you’ve got and how often you go to the toilet. For example: with five rolls and four visits, you’ll last only 20 days.

Interesting fact:

This weird interactive website was born after a discussion between Ben Sassoon and artist Sam Harris, a software developer and an artist, respectively. They wanted to know how much toilet paper they needed to get through the pandemic. A seemingly silly idea is now a website visited by over 12 million people.

15. Pointer Pointer

Pointer Pointer
Author’s screenshot

A completely useless but funny website that finds your mouse pointer on the screen and shows pictures of people pointing in that exact location. The pictures are quite hilarious, and you get a brand new one each time. In our experience, it’s a good one to go to get some comedic relief after a working day.

Interesting fact:

Pointer Pointer started as an experiment in cursor retrieval in 2012. Quickly, it became an internet sensation and got coverage from such websites as Fast Company and CNet. It still remains a popular website with thousands of monthly visits from people looking for weird websites.

16. Patience Is A Virtue

Patience Is A Virtue
Author’s screenshot

As if social media doesn’t give us enough distractions to keep us from working, now there’s Patience Is A Virtue. This weird website tries to teach us some patience by… having us stare at the white screen with a message asking us to wait. Definitely a good website to check out to test one’s patience and anxiety level.

Interesting fact:

Despite being one of the world’s weirdest websites, Patience is a Virtue has been shared 165,000+ times by Facebook users. Lots of people pranking each other and having fun, right?

17. Generative Engine

Generative Engine
Author’s screenshot

Now let’s see an example from a new category: a weird website powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Generative Engine was developed with Microsoft’s Deep Learning Technology, and its purpose is to visualize textual input. That sounds good, but the images generated by this website are plain bizarre (as you can tell from the above image). Give it a try, maybe you’ll get something more realistic.

Interesting fact:

The synthetic imagery created by this weird website resembles abstract paintings. Some reports suggest that the more descriptive you are, the better image you’ll get. But in our experience, the best picture looked like Google Maps glitches. Simply weird.

Here are several good reads if you’re interested in AI:

18. This Person Does Not Exist

This Person Does Not Exist
Author’s screenshot

This is a weird website where AI generates fake human faces that look incredibly realistic. The generator can make a new face every two seconds, and can view it by refreshing the page. A bizarre website that shows how easy it is for people to create fakes that could potentially be misused.

Interesting fact:

The technology that creates fake faces on this weird website is also used to make “deepfakes.” Those are convincing but fake videos showing people saying or doing something. 

19. Infinite Drum Machine

Infinite Drum Machine
Author’s screenshot

Another weird website representing an AI experiment. This time, you can combine different everyday sounds to create beats. There’s a small control panel to experiment with sounds and make small songs for those wanting to create a unique beat pattern. We ended up making a pretty weird one, consisting of beats resembling sounds made by lemurs, panthers, and antique cash registers.

Interesting fact:

Infinite Drum Machine is powered by t-SNE, a machine learning technique used for the visualization of data in 3D maps. If you’d like to learn more about t-SNE, here’s a good explanation by Achinoam Soroker, a data scientist: T-SNE Explained—Math and Intuition (but be ready for a bit of a complex language).

20. The Useless Web

The Useless Web
Author’s screenshot

This is a collection of top weird websites that thousands of people use every day. It opens with a screen that you can see above and redirects you to an odd website when you click Please. What kind of weird website you’ll get? Well, there’s quite a bit of them, so get ready to be surprised.

Interesting fact:

Tim Holman, the creator of The Useless Web, started making this website while locked up inside during a hurricane in 2012.

21. Cat Bounce

Cat Bounce
Author’s screenshot

Cat Bounce is one of the weirdest websites out there. It’s just cats falling down the screen, with many bouncing off the bottom. We have no idea about the purpose behind this bizarre website. But one thing is for sure: you can hit the “Make it rain” button to get a visual of the “it’s raining cats and dogs” saying (except for the dog part).

Interesting fact:

Cat Bounce was created by Tara Sinn, a programmer and a cat lover. She started it as a fun experiment, but the site has gotten incredibly popular and even won a Webby Award in 2019. Sinn recently shared that she still gets emails from people who ask her to create the same website for dogs.

22. The Finger, Deal With It

The Finger, Deal With It
Author’s screenshot

Just when you thought this list of weird websites couldn’t get any weirder… This one will flip you a bird every time you move your cursor close to closing the tab. So, you won’t leave until the hand flips you off. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Interesting fact:

Let’s be honest, The Finger, Deal With It is a ridiculous and weird website. Yet, it’s estimated to be worth around $11,800. Not bad for a site that does nothing but flips visitors off, agree?

23. Stealth Boats

Stealth Boats
Author’s screenshot

This is a quirky and funny website that shows images of stealth boats (or so we thought). Be careful, though: these boats can’t be seen by both radars and humans. Some visitors say they couldn’t see any images but the site’s owners claim they’re there 😉

Interesting fact:

This odd website outperforms most websites related to stealth boats on Google, including more reputable ones like Pinterest, Wikipedia, and Boat Trader. This means more people might be visiting than websites that are actually relevant to this search request.

24. Cross Divisions

Cross Divisions
Author’s screenshot

Hypnotic. Psychedelic. Colorful. Those are the best words to describe this weird website. It’s a moving gradient whose color you can change with a click. Be careful looking at the moving shapes—they can definitely make you sick.

Interesting fact:

Cross Divisions was created by Rafaël Rozendaal, an artist who was one of the first to make websites as art objects. He is behind many weird websites, which are visited by over 60 million people every year. According to It’s Nice That, Rozendaal sometimes sells such websites for thousands of dollars to collectors.

25. Don’t Even Reply

Don’t Even Reply
Author’s screenshot

Don’t Even Reply is a collection of bizarre, offensive, and weird emails. Many of them come from awful individuals making weird job offers or asking for favors. A very weird and strange website that the internet probably doesn’t need.

Interesting fact:

The person behind this weird website says he makes around $12,000 per year. Not bad for a collection of bizarre emails about concealed weapons, ridiculous work offers, and miscellaneous weird stuff.

26. Every Day I’m Hustlin’

Every Day I’m Hustlin’
Author’s screenshot

An unusual website with a weird motivation method to get you in the mood for work: bright flashes and playing “Every day I’m hustlin’’ from the famous song by Rick Ross. That’s pretty much it—but you can keep the song going by pointing the pointer on the word.

Interesting fact:

Rick Ross was trying to copyright the phrase “Every day I’m hustlin’” because of other artists (namely LMFAO with their hit “Everyday I’m shufflin’”) allegedly trying to capitalize on the success of his work. He ultimately lost the lawsuit against LMFAO because the judge ruled he can’t copyright these words. So, we’re safe playing with this weird website.

27. GifCities


We’re pretty much used to Google, but what about an animated gif search engine? This funny and weird website gives you millions of gifs about pretty much everything. In the image above, you can see the results for “cat.”

Interesting fact:

This weird but funny website contains over 4,500,000 animated GIFs!

28. Window Swap

Window Swap

Want to see the view out of someone else’s home? Well, you can—on Window Swap. Just go to this website, click Open a new window somewhere in the world and bam—you get to see how the world looks from the apartment of another person. In the image above, for example, the neighborhood of Felix and Sara in Munich, Germany.

Interesting fact:

Although the idea of being in someone else’s home sounds creepy, the views on this bizarre website are not live. If you create an account, you can also see the location of the view you’ve got. 

29. Scream into the Void

Scream into the Void is a perfect example of a funny and weird website to visit when you’re bored. The idea is to send your frustrations or any other feelings into a black hole where they could be safely stored. And the best thing is that nobody will ever hear anything.

Interesting fact: 

This odd website was featured on Last Week Tonight in 2015 and mentioned on Forbes.

30. Quick, Draw! 

Quick, Draw! 

Want to waste your free time playing something you probably never played before? This funny website is what you need to try. You’re given a task of drawing something in under 20 seconds and the neural network will try to guess what you’re drawing in real time.

Interesting fact:

The neural network featured on this funny website is powered by Google. It was able to guess three out of six drawings I made (and I’m a terrible artist!)

31. Procatinator

Can there be enough weird and funny websites with cats? I say no. Here’s another one for you (that’s been around since 2011, by the way): it generates gifs of cats in various funny and strange situations with some cool music. The amount of content on this super entertaining website will keep you busy for hours.

Interesting fact:

You can copy the gif you’re watching and share it with friends! Just click the link on the top left corner to copy it to the clipboard.

32. Trash Loop

Trash Loop

This one is truly one of the most bizarre and useless websites I’ve ever seen. When you enter, you’ll see a trash can and a crumpled piece of paper. The task? Throw the paper into the can. And bear in mind that it won’t be easy!

Interesting fact:

This bizarre website was made by Rafael Rozendaal, a Dutch-Brazilian artist whose digital works have been featured by the Wall Street Journal and Time.


So there you go, the collection of the weirdest websites. We hope you enjoyed our choices and had some fun visiting and using these truly weird examples of websites on the internet.

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