Stay tuned for the latest company's news and achievements.

Innovative Browser Extension by IDAP Wins 5th Place at...

Attention-attention! IDAP has done it again! We are proud to announce that our team has won the coveted 5th prize...

How the War Changes Eastern Europe’s Outsourcing Market

We already know for a fact that the much unfortunate war that russia is currently waging on Ukraine has a major...

Software Development Platforms To Find Us At

In the last decade, the number of software development companies has reached an insane number. As for now, only...

We’ve got a NEW REWARD from Clutch.Co!

Clutch.Co is a platform for in-depth client reviews. It’s one of the most trusted sources of clients’...

We just launched new live-streaming app – BonkLive

Hello to everyone who reads our blog!  Today we want to share with you one of our latest achievements: On...

A look back at 2017. The year of changes at IDAP

We are on the verge of 2017, and it’s high time to look back and sum up the past year. 2017 was a year of...